Friday, September 17, 2021

Happy Birthday Linux! And: I'm back!

 Happy Birthday, Linux, my favorite operating system of all time!

Whoa - it's been thirty years already? Well, we've only known each other for around 23 years, but hey, it's still over 2/3 decades!

Debian, SuSE, Red Hat, Fedora, Knoppix, Ubuntu... It's been a wonderful journey and I'd like to congratulate and thank Linus Torvalds and all the free software / open source enthusiasts and developers for making the whole world a better place, literally!

Oh, and, well... I'm back! I created this blog 12 years ago, but family and work kept me so busy the last decade that I simply couldn't/wouldn't continue posting.

I'm still busy, yeah, but lots of new experiences and interesting things to learn motivate me to share some of my latest findings with other IT gals and guys. It's been a while since I've contributed to open source projects, and while I'm in DevOps nowadays, my background is still more system and network administration than software development.

So in the coming blog posts, I'm going to look back at where I was when I left the blog, and what major changes have happened since then. For example, some changes and likely topics for the near future:

  • I switched from Windows in a VM running on Linux to Linux in a VM running on Windows to Linux running together with Windows thanks to WSL.
  • A few years ago, after what feels like a life-long journey, I finally found the perfect text editor: Visual Studio Code. For the first time ever, I really fell in love with a Microsoft product.
  • I got into virtualization when VMware got started in '99. Introduced Vagrant and Docker into my IT company in 2018. And now that Kubernetes is here, that's where my focus is now.
  • I've been using Bash since I got started with Linux so it's certainly among the oldest software I've been using for the longest time. Just recently, I made the switch to Zsh, after working out how to take my full-blown customized Zsh shell and configs with me through SSH to all the hosts I connect to.
  • And anything else on my mind that's relevant to IT, DevOps, etc.
So, welcome (back), dear reader! I look forward to share some helpful content with you all, soon...

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